Polar World - 5 posters
Tags: 1st grade, French, Pre-K and Kindergarten, Animals, Polar World, Word Books, Themes
Last modification: Dec 21, 2021, 2:35:00 PM
- PDF files (digital download)
- Languages: English, French
- Color
- Page size: 8.5 X 11 in
- 5 pages
The words illustrated are: polar bear, walrus, seal, musk ox, penguin, caribou, Arctic wolf, Arctic fox, Arctic hare, humpback whale, bowhead whale, blue whale, killer whale, narwhal, sperm whale, sea leopard, krill, elephant seal, snowy owl, skua, auk, snow goose, puffin, cormorant, arctic tern, black-browed albatross, boreal lynx, weasel, lemming, snow leopard, otter, mouflon, American mink, sable, dog sled, North Pole, Arctic, Aurora Borealis, South Pole, Antarctica, igloo, Inuit, inukshuk, ice floe.
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